Withdraw from Housing

Process to Withdraw from Housing

Withdraw from Housing Only

If you wish to be released from the housing license, but remain a full-time student at Ó£»¨¶¯Âþ, you must follow the housing license appeal process below.

Housing License Appeal Process

You may appeal to be released from the housing license if you have been faced with an extraordinary medical or financial situation that has occurred after the housing license was signed. If you appeal to be released from the housing license and your request is not approved, room and board charges still apply. Releases from the license are only granted in exceptional cases with adequate documentation. Once you review the following information, if you have any further questions about this process, please contact the ResLife office at (585) 385-8281 or reslife@sjf.edu.

Types of Appeals

To Appeal Based on a Medical Reason

Housing license appeal requests for medical reasons are for the most extraordinary situations where a student's medical needs cannot otherwise be accommodated on campus. If you have a diagnosed medical condition that necessitates living off-campus, please complete the Housing License Appeal Form on and follow the process to request a Residence Hall Accommodation. The requested accommodation is to be released from the Residence Hall License.

To Appeal Based on a Financial Reason

If you have an extraordinary financial hardship that necessitates living off-campus, please complete the Housing License Appeal Form on and be prepared to demonstrate how your financial situation has changed significantly since you signed your housing license. Your information will be reviewed with the Office of Student Financial Services and more information may be requested before a decision is reached.

After You Appeal

If Your Appeal is Granted

If you appeal to be released from the housing license and the appeal is approved, room and board refunds are issued per Fisher's Refund Policy.

If Your Appeal is NOT Granted

If you appeal to be released from the housing license and the appeal is denied, room and board charges will still apply through the end of the housing license term.

Withdraw from Housing and Fisher

Please complete Fisher's  to begin the process of withdrawing. Once the form has been submitted, you will have access to cancel your room assignment and meal plan using the Withdraw from Housing form on .

Housing License Release Fee

Students who withdraw from housing or are removed from housing will be assessed the $250 Housing License Release Fee. Students who withdraw from housing in the spring semester due to graduation, study abroad, or academic dismissal will not be charged the License Release Fee.

Housing License [pdf]

Room and Board Refunds

Room and board charges are refunded per Fisher's Refund Policy. The date of withdrawal is the official residence hall checkout date or the completion of the Withdrawal from Housing form, whichever is later. Housing deposits are non-refundable.