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Advisor and Advisee

Academic Support and Services

At the Center for Career and Academic Planning, you will find a team of compassionate professionals who will help you set individual learning goals and provide information and guidance about academic programs, services, and University expectations.

What is Advising?

Advisors from the Center for Career and Academic Planning provide guidance related to your academic career, from coursework to identifying a major. They will help you find resources to improve academic performance, answer questions about the many academic paths at Ó£»¨¶¯Âþ, and identify potential careers related to your field of study. Advising services are available to all students, and advisors are ready to meet your unique needs at every point in your academic career. Find your personal advising contacts in FisherLink.

Why Visit the Center?

Services Offered

Tutor Resources

Need help with a class but don't know where to go? Our Tutor Resources page has the answers.

Course and Exam Schedules

Course Catalogs

  • Career Resources for Current Students

    A student shakes hands with a company representative at a career fair.

    Your career journey begins with knowing yourself and what you hope to achieve after graduation. Explore resources, prepare for your career, and pursue your goals. Current students can connect with the Career Services team and build a Career Roadmap (login required).