The mailroom, home to all campus mail services, is located in the lower level of Haffey Hall.
Use either the elevator or your student ID swipe card for entry to the Haffey Hall stairwell down to mailroom on the lower level.
We accept cash, personal checks, credit cards, debit cards, and Cardinal Cash as forms of payment for all services.
Packages and mail are available at the mailroom window during our normal hours of operation. You will need your student ID or a government-issued photo ID to pick up your mail. We do not accept your phone "Get" app photo as a valid ID. You will be notified via your Fisher email address when you have mail.
Incoming packages and mail should be addressed as follows:
Your First and Last Name - Student
St. John Fisher University
3690 East Avenue
Rochester, NY 14618
New Resident Students Note: Please add this address to your “address book” in your Amazon accounts prior to sending your first order to campus.
All packages received for resident students are processed through our tracking system to ensure security and proper delivery. The student will receive a confirmation email from “neopostwts” at their Fisher address for every package they receive.
Please Note: A shipper's email notification of "delivery" does not mean the package is ready for pick-up or that the package has arrived on campus. The "CampusMailroom" email will notify the student that their package is ready for pick-up at the campus mailroom window. We do not receive any packages on Saturday or Sunday.
Package and mail delivery to campus is no longer available to you. Follow ordering procedures carefully for orders to avoid incorrect or delayed delivery of your course materials. Be sure to change your mailing address on services such as:
First-class mail and subscription magazines are forwarded to your mailing address for six months. You can change your address at USPS.com > Quick Tools > Change my address.
Please mail gift cards with other items in a box or padded envelope. If mailed with a card in an envelope, pay for Priority Service. This will provide a tracking number and $100 of insurance. Be sure to keep your gift card receipt and the shipping receipt with the tracking number provided by the post office.