Report itâ„¢ Hotline
Report itâ„¢ is a third-party hotline service you can use to report suspected illegal or unethical activity occurring within the University in the event other resolution channels are ineffective, or if you wish to remain anonymous.
The service is confidential and anonymous unless you elect to waive your right to anonymity.
How to Use Report itâ„¢
You can report a concern online or by telephone.
Report Online
- Go to
- Click "Report it Online"
- Click the orange "reportit now" button
- Enter the University's username and password
- Username: sjfc
- Password: reportit
Report by Phone
- Dial the hotline number: 1 (877) 778-5463
- Provide the operator with the University's username and password
- Username: sjfc
- Password: reportit