Office:RCW 107
Phone:(585) 899-3734
Guillermo Montes

AI for Business Specialization, University of Pennsylvania (July 2022), Psychology of Leadership, Cornell University (January 2022), Computational Social Science Specialization, University of California-Davis (December 2021), Apple Teacher


Ph.D., M.A., B.A., Economics, University of Rochester

Guillermo Montes, Ph.D., is a professor in the Ed.D. in Executive Leadership program. Dr. Montes teaches doctoral-level courses in the program, conducts research, supervises doctoral students in field-based experiences, provides dissertation advisement for doctoral students, and chairs dissertation committees that study contemporary educational or leadership issues employing quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. Dr. Montes has an extensive background in quantitative research methods and evaluation.

Dr. Montes was a Senior Research Associate and Director of Research at the University of Rochester, Chair of the Economics department at Ave Maria University in Florida, Director of Research and Assessment at the URMC medical school, and Director of Research and Evaluation at Children's Institute and the University of Rochester.  In addition, he was previously an adjunct professor at the Warner School of Education at the University of Rochester, SUNY Geneseo and SUNY Brockport.

Dr. Montes received his Ph.D., M.A., and B.A. in economics from the University of Rochester. His research interests include studying health and educational services for children with autism spectrum disorders and/or ADHD in school and community settings using large scale nationally representative datasets. He has published the results of his research in a number of prestigious peer-reviewed journals and had support for his research from national and state grants.

At Fisher, Dr. Montes is involved in teaching the following courses:

  • Contemporary Issues in Executive Leadership
  • Research Methods and Design
  • Public Policy, Law and Ethics
  • Assessment, Evaluation & Organizational Improvement
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods
  • Dissertation Seminars
  • Executive Leadership Field Experiences